Sunday, November 16, 2008


I've finished Twilight, now one of my favorite books from the 21st century :) The ending is a happy ending, but it doesn't wrap up the whole story quite yet. This series has four books in it, and soon I'm gona be reading the second book, New Moon.

Twilight is a clash between monster and human. However, the these of this is that both ends can live in harmony and love. I think the author is telling her readers that love is so strong that it doesn't matter what you are to love. It also shows how love is so strong that it gives courage to the person who has it, and nothing can out wit love. This book reminds me of another fantasy/magical book of the 21st century, Harry Potter.

Why these two books tie in together is that both of their themes are about the power of love and how it's the strongest thing on earth. Also, it shows bravery and difficult quests throughou the book. They're both also set in modern day time with teenagers as main characters. They're also both one of the thickest books I've ever seen/read! I don't have a preference between the two because they're both awesomeeeee books :)