Sunday, November 23, 2008

New Moon

This week I started on the second book for the Twilight Saga. I serioualy LOVE this series because although the writer isn't brilliant and mind-boggling like those of the 18th century, her writing is easy to read for a teenager. It flows well and the thing is that you can't stop reading the book! I also know a few other people reading the same series, and they really enjoy it too.
So, in this book, a huge twist comes (if you don't like spoilers don't read :P). What happens is that the whole Cullen family leaves! Thus, Bella Swan is devasted and tries her best to act normal, but it doesn't quite work. She doesn't feel anything and goes through her day as if it was a ritual. She doesn't snap out of this for months and it's killing her father to see her like this.
Through this time that Bella is having, I think it shows how much her father cares about her. Before this book the author didn't mentiona whole lot of the thoughts of Charlier (the dad). However, now he is becoming a real main chracter and big part of Bella's life. Evernthough until now he was depicted as a bad father who always watched tv and didn't express his feelings much, now the reader knows another side of him. Charlie is actually a caring father who watches his daughter all the time, but at the same time trusts her enough to make the right decision. Sometimes he knows she needs help and will give her that help. Characterization does come in handy, huh?