Wednesday, April 2, 2008

#3 of Ender's Game

Topic: Mood

The mood of this novel is very dark, dangerous, frustrating, and sometimes depressing. There's also a lot of violence and gory images. All throughout the book Ender had an internal conflict, whether he's good or bad. He's often sick and tired of what the teachers are doing to him, isolating him in every way possible so that he could go to his extent. They used Ender as a tool to defeat the Buggers, which was also a mistake. Everytime Ender hurts someone he was afraid that he was becoming murderous like his brother Peter. He was constantly having nightmares and gradually became hard and cold. However, inside he knew he still had some good in himself. This conflict make Ender go a little crazy and tired, which also makes him mad and easily irritated. Unknowingly killing the Buggers was a huge mistake his teachers made because this was the final blow for Ender. He didn't care about anything, the games, his family, friends, or even himself. He couldn't forgive himself of wiping out a whole nation. He only became happy again when the Buggers forgave him. This whole conflict that Ender has with himself makes the novel seems sad and mad most of the time. I guess this saddens me too because Ender's just a kid who's confused and frustrated. No one helps him at all, but everyone pushes him further to be more insane. Towards the end he's not only lonely and tired but is in despair. It saddens me that this little kid was so sweet in the beginning but eventually grows to be a monster. He was overused, and that was unfair. It's a good thing that he becomes happy and normal again in the end.


Jane Lee said...

Yea the mood is really dangerous and depressing. I'd have to say that this danger and depression gradually increases as the book progresses. And this atmosphere came up to a point that even I was stressed out to keep on reading.
I liked how you explained how the mood could be dangerous, frustrating, and depressing; however, I don't really get how it can be dark. I thought dark was more of a creepy, gloomy idea and in this novel, there were parts that were actually sweet like when Ender met Valentine in the nature mansion :).

Anonymous said...

I agree with you:)kkk
I think the mood is really dark, sad, and depressing. It was really sad when Ender read Valentine's letter. And it was always dark when he had battle.(although it was bright when he won every single battle) However, after reading your entry you made me think about the mood when you said it is 'dangerous'. It was really dangerous from all the violent thing Ender did to people who tried to hart Ender. It was really gross to imagine the part after he fought with Bonzo.^^;;;