Wednesday, April 2, 2008

#1 of Ender's Game

I finally finished this book!!! yay :D

Topic: Free

I'm glad I finished this extremely long book, but it was actually really fun reading it. This book was much more interesting and attention-grabbing for me than Faerenheit 451. I wanted to keep reading and reading until I finished. Or maybe it could've been the pressure of having to have to read it in three days... Anyhow, it was still an AWESOME book and fitted the style of writing I like to read. Sometimes it does get a bit confusing but, trust me, it's the best book out of the list of the dystopian books we have to read.
I really enjoyed this book because it was kind of like reading Harry Potter (and I really love the HP series). It talked about chosen elite children who go to this school to be trained as soldier. I really like these kinds of books that are realated to (somewhat) schools. They talk about competitions, enemies, friends, family, and everything that goes on in a kid's life that I can relate to, in a way. The writing was also not as boring and complicated as Faerenheit. It was simple, quick, and easy to read.
I think this book is one of the only science-fiction books I like. Or maybe it's the only SF book I have read in my life. Usually I don't enjoy reading SF books because it's really confusing and hard to picture in your mind what is happening in the book. SF books are also boy-ish and sometimes boring. However, Ender's Game is one that I really had a good time reading. The only bad part about this book is that it's way too long and I think the author could've cut some unneccessary parts out. Despite all that, I recommend this book to anyone, no matter what age or gender you are :)


Abby Moimoi said...

I really enjoyed this book too! Ender’s Game was a lot more interesting than Fahrenheit 451. And thankfully, it was easier to read/understand too~ Card’s writing style was simple, yet effective.
This was my first SF book to read too. Before, I didn’t even bother looking at books in that section because I was pretty sure that they would be boring. But I guess Ender’s Game proved me wrong.
I also liked the fact that his book was always fill of action. I struggle to remember any slow and boring parts. This is good, because too many boring parts can cause me to stop reading a book. I think Ender’s Game is a fun, action-packed, and interesting book.
I would recommend this book to anyone too:)