Saturday, March 1, 2008

#6 of F451

Well, I was going to save my last entry for Sunday, but I think I'm going to be too lazy tomorrow :P
So, my LAST entry of Fahrenheit 451!!!!!! :D
It's kind of sad now that I think of it....

Topic : Entry of Choice

I saved my entry of choice last! (The best for last ruel :]) Anyways, I'll just talk about how I felt about Fahrenheit 451, and also how my feelings about it changed.

Ok, so, when I started this book, I thought it would actually be really fun because a lot of people said it was fun. However, after the first page of reading it, which was really good, the rest of it got extremely boring and weird. This book was NOT right for me, and the story was going really strangely... I couldn't grasp what Ray Bradbury was trying to tell me. It was a good thing this book is short, or I would've given up trying to read it because it was soooo confusing and boring!
I'm someone who if I don't like something, I prefer to get it over with ASAP. So, during lunar break, since I had a lot of free time, I got over with reading Fahrenheit 451. It was kind of like torture, because the book was, seriously, really boring and didn't grab my attention. I would try to sit on my bed and read, but I couldn'y concentrate. This was the first book that made me go to sleep--in the afternoon. I attemted many times to read this book in the afternoon, but I fell asleep, and it was only like 2 PM. You can see that I almost abhored this book. However, after so much dread in reading it, I finally finished!!! Though, it DID take horribly long.
Then, I started to write these blogs. It made me think a lot more about the book. Strangely, my feeling towards it shifted a little. Now I don't hate the book as much; I think it was an interesting and different book, and it was good for me. I got to think deeper than my usual standard, which was pretty fun to do, actually :) Now I understand a lot more about the book than I did before. I understand why the main chracters are like that, and who they represent in the world. Most importantly, I understand what Ray Bradbury is trying to tell me and his other audiences.
He actually sends a ton of messages to his readers, which is the crazy side of this book. It's really short, but it has so many meanings inside it. I think that's why this book is so popular and many say it's fun. BUT I wouldn't read it again because I still think it's a bit creepy and boring :P It made me think a lot, and that's what I'm happy about. I DO recommend people to read this book because it deals a lot with what is happening right now. You might not get it while you're reading it, but afterwards, I promise you, you will understand everything. It's like magic :D


Anonymous said...

okay~ I will write my comment for your LAST entry=) so.. I felt the same way that you did. I read this book because I heard that it is a fun book. So I thought it would be something like.. Harry Potter or Where the Red fern Grows.kk However!! it was not my type of book. It was boring and.. Actually I really don't get this book. Well, anyways I learned something by reading this book.^^ I learned that how depressing and unhappy I would be if there aren't any books to read or not allowed to read. This book made me to read more books and love them.

Kathie Lee said...

Nice soo-zzzzz~ I felt so same as what you commented. I think that I was the one who recommended this book to everyone because I heard that it was really famous and fun... Um... Sorry... =P kkk I didn't really enjoy this book either... This book was like hypnotic (those pills that make you sleep immediately) to me. I read like only few pages and I immediately fell on sleep dozing. However, by doing this blog thing and actually thinking about the book seriously, I learned the lesson! I was able to interpret the importnce of reading books.