Tuesday, September 23, 2008


In class on Monday I read the first InkBlotz issue (whole thing). I was actually really impressed with the works my fellow peers had produced. Some of them, MOST of them, I didn't know that they could write so well. I mean, I knew they were good writers but some of the writings in there were really good. They really looked like a writer produced them. It captured my attention and I liked how there were both long and short writings. They were all simple, short, and to the point and that was really good because I didn't lose focus so easily.

I think...the only story I clearly remember is Abby's short story about the black girl who wanted to be white. This was a really good story because it applies to almost everyone. Everybody wants to fit in with what the world requires of us, but we know that God designed each of us in our own unique ways. To "fit in," we have to like everyone else, and this is a lie because not everyone can be the same way when we are all made differently. Therefore, when we "fit in," we are living lives of lies. We are not being true to ourselves, nor to God. However, since God loves us so much, He can see through the masks masks we wear and know our hearts. I think that's what's so amazing about Him and in front of Him, we don't have to change anything - we are all beautiful in His eyes, and that's what really matters.


Ms. Lillo said...

I am glad that you enjoyed it!