Friday, February 8, 2008

#1 of F451

Well, I just finished reading Fahrenheit 451 today and the book is quite hard to read, and I have many reasons for this. Therefore, I'm glad it was a short novel and that I'm finally finished with it! :D

Topic : Characters

There is one main chracter in this book, and a few other small chracters.

Guy Montag - Main chracter. He's a fireman, except in this world a fireman's job is to burn books because reading books is strictly against the law. His world is also very corrupt in many ways, and no one is really happy. Guy meets his neighbor one night after work, and she gets him to think why the world has become this way. She was the spark of his fire, I shall say. To make a long story short, Guy realizes he has to somehow change the world for the better, and starts by reading books. So, a person who started off destroying books is now trying to save them. He represents the few people in our world who know the problems of the world and takes action to solve the problems.
Mildred Montag - The wife of Guy Montag. She's an ordinary citizen of the world in the book. She likes to watch TV, which is usually three to four walls of a room. She loves to chat and hang out with her friends. In the beginning she read the books with Guy, but doesn't change her thoughts about the corrup world of hers. She represents the people of our world that know the problems of the world, but ignores them, tries to be happy and act happy by doing what everybody else does, but inside are actually miserable.
Captain Beatty - The captain of the fire team that Guy is in. He used to love books, but because of his life's tragedies, does not think they are useful to the world and himself. He represents the people in our world that make/are the problems of the world.
Clarisse McClellan - The new neighbor of Guy Montag. She and her family are very different from the people of the world, but actually the normal ones if they lived in our world right now. She gets Guy to think why their world is so corrupt. Though, she dies in the beginning of the book. Clarisse represents the people in our world that see the world as a better place and lives life happily. Though they are neglected by the society, they're like the angels of the world. The save the world from destruction, or at least try by pointing out the problems and showing a way to solve the problem. Except no one really listens, except for people like Guy Montag.
Faber - A retired professor that Guy met some time ago at a park. Guy goes back to him after realizing the problems of his world and asks for help and guidance. Faber gives him directions on what to do and Guy takes action. Except Faber is a coward because he wants to save the books and the world, but never stepped out of his house once since he was so scared of being caught and the consequences. He represents the people in our world that know the problems of the world but can't do anything to save the world because of their cowardliness. Thus, they let the world be as it is and just waits for people like Guy to come and rescue the world. But I guess you can say they are important because they know a lot so they can give guidance to the people like Guy.
Granger - A leader of a group of intellectual people who memorize the books they read in their head. They wait until the war (in their world) is over so that they may finally record these books and save the books. He and his group represents the people of the world are waiting for the world to be better. When it is better, they will help the world to come back to normal again.

Those were the chracters of Fahrenheit 451, 6 in total. There's also this machine called the Hound which can track down and destroy anything and I guess the machines also represent the problems of our world. Anyways, I don't like most of the chracters. Even the main chracter, Guy, becaue it's to hard to read and understand what's going on in his mind. Beatty seems too loud, obnoxious, arrogant, selfish, and bossy. Mildred is just dumb! Serously. All she does is watch TV and gossip with her friends, who are also dumb. And when Guy was sick once, she told him to still go to work, which is so cruel for a wife to do. Faber is a coward, so I don't like him. The two characters I did actually have an interest in were Clarisse and Granger because they seem to be the only normal ones. Also, I like how Clarisse is always positive, smiling, trying new things, and actually trying to live a happy life, unlike the other characters who seem distressed and gloomy.

As you can see, I didn't really enjoy reading this book very much, and I don't like most of the chracters in the book either. Though, the book does make you think a lot, and that's a good thing (in my opinion)


Kangaroo said...

Let's see...

Number one: You put up a bit too much info in my opinion... Your giving away the plot Susie...

Number two: Granger is a leader of just ONE small group of intellectual people, not THE leader.

P01616 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
P01616 said...

Okay since lets fill in my deleted comment shall I ^^. First of all, I'd like to second the fact that Granger is a leader of just one small group not the BIG Leader. In addition. Otherwise, I don't really have nothing much to say. Good Job :P