Sunday, November 23, 2008

New Moon

This week I started on the second book for the Twilight Saga. I serioualy LOVE this series because although the writer isn't brilliant and mind-boggling like those of the 18th century, her writing is easy to read for a teenager. It flows well and the thing is that you can't stop reading the book! I also know a few other people reading the same series, and they really enjoy it too.
So, in this book, a huge twist comes (if you don't like spoilers don't read :P). What happens is that the whole Cullen family leaves! Thus, Bella Swan is devasted and tries her best to act normal, but it doesn't quite work. She doesn't feel anything and goes through her day as if it was a ritual. She doesn't snap out of this for months and it's killing her father to see her like this.
Through this time that Bella is having, I think it shows how much her father cares about her. Before this book the author didn't mentiona whole lot of the thoughts of Charlier (the dad). However, now he is becoming a real main chracter and big part of Bella's life. Evernthough until now he was depicted as a bad father who always watched tv and didn't express his feelings much, now the reader knows another side of him. Charlie is actually a caring father who watches his daughter all the time, but at the same time trusts her enough to make the right decision. Sometimes he knows she needs help and will give her that help. Characterization does come in handy, huh?

Sunday, November 16, 2008


I've finished Twilight, now one of my favorite books from the 21st century :) The ending is a happy ending, but it doesn't wrap up the whole story quite yet. This series has four books in it, and soon I'm gona be reading the second book, New Moon.

Twilight is a clash between monster and human. However, the these of this is that both ends can live in harmony and love. I think the author is telling her readers that love is so strong that it doesn't matter what you are to love. It also shows how love is so strong that it gives courage to the person who has it, and nothing can out wit love. This book reminds me of another fantasy/magical book of the 21st century, Harry Potter.

Why these two books tie in together is that both of their themes are about the power of love and how it's the strongest thing on earth. Also, it shows bravery and difficult quests throughou the book. They're both also set in modern day time with teenagers as main characters. They're also both one of the thickest books I've ever seen/read! I don't have a preference between the two because they're both awesomeeeee books :)

Sunday, November 9, 2008


I am halfway through Twilight and it's suchhhhh a good book :)! I literally couldn't stop I sound like a nerd now. I'm also excited for the movie that's coming out really soon. I want to compare the book to the movie, and I'm pretty sure the book will be better since that's what usually happens. But we'll see...
The protagonist in this book, Isabelle (people call her Bella), is someone very mature and intelligent for her age, but also very clumsy. She is independent and brave, but also quite quiet self-conscious. Overall she would be a wangdda, but because she's the new-girl in a town so small, she gets noticed by many people.
I think in some parts of the story she reminds me of myself, or I can connect to her. For example, I can be self-conscious sometimes, but I know it's a bad habit I have. Also, Bella cooks for her dad and sometimes I cook and take care of my house when my mom isn't home. Another trait is that like Bella, sometimes I think TOO much, and it's not always good or bad. Lastly, I'm also quite clumsy. I trip, stumble, and I'm not always cautious. I can relate to how Bella feels!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Finally I have started a new book, Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. It's a bit easier book than Pride and Prejudice, and I think I will enjoy reading it. Also, it's coming out as a movie soon so after I read the book I'd like to go see the movie and compare the two.
This book is about a new girl in town(quite a small town) who never fits into anywhere, falls in love with a vampire. It sounds like "traditional vampire story," but its setting makes it different. It's about teenagers my age and the setting is the 21st century. I think this shows a lot of how setting affects a story. Setting can make a story seem old or new. What I mean is that the setting can change the story so that the readers also change. Twilight, though the idea is old-fashioned, the setting is very modern so teenagers will read it. However, if the setting was the 50's or 60's in a haunted mansion with a vampire in a black and red tux and the woman in a long, slender dress, that would definitely NOT attract teenagers.
I hope to read more of this book and finish it quick!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Pride & Prejudice

Finally! I'm done with this book! I read from pages 246 to 299, the end of the book. I realized that it took longer than I thought it would to finish this book. Maybe next time I can read more often than only once a week.

This book ended at a very happy note. Elizabeth marries Mr. Darcy and her sister, Jane, marries Mr. Bingley. Both couples are more than happy, in love, and also very prosperous. All their friends and family are also happy for them and call them lucky. They live happily ever after.

That was a very short, summed up version of the resolution of this book. It's a Cinderella story, where girls who have great character and beauty but possess nothing meet their price charming and live happily ever after. I think the ending is very satisfactory, and does Jane Austen always have happy endings? I'm not sure...

One thing that was different about this book from modern books was the style of writing. It used big, fancy words and the sentence structures were very diverse. At first it was hard to follow along, but after some time I got used to it. This style of writing actually made the book more interesting (to me at least). It got me to think that it's too bad that modern day writers don't write like this. These days writings are so simple. In Pride and Prejudice, each sentence has a different taste to it and as a whole the book is very unique. She writes in a way that normal writers would never think of writing in, because it might confuse the readers. However, I enjoyed reading her book, eventhough, yes, it was difficult and I had to read carefully.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Pride & Prejudice

I'm ALMOST done with this book! I'm on page 246 and by the end of this week I will certainly be over with this novel. It's a very long, hard, quite dreadful book that I would usually never read. I'm glad that I watched the film or I wouldn't know half the things happening in it. It's very difficult to understand because the writing style is from the 1800s of England. There are grammars and many things different compared to mondern English. For example, the way they call family members is strange to my ears; when sisters talk to each other they say, "My uncle," or "My mother," not "Uncle ___" or "Mother." Also, Mrs. Bennett sometimes calls her husband Mr. Bennett, when these days wives would use the first name to call their husband. Another thing thats different is spelling such as choose is spelled as chuse. Anyways, it's really different from what you can read these days so it makes the book both interesting and difficult to read.

Through this book I can learn the cultures of Britain in the 1800s. In the section I read this week, Lydia Bennett, the youngest daughter of the Bennetts, got married. Marraige was very different back then because the girl's family had to give a lot of money to the man. Mr. Bennett has to give 5,000 pounds (which is what he will give to each of his daughters when he passes away) plus 100 pounds per month. This was actually very little money and it said that usually no man would marry someone like Lydia unless with at least 10,000 pounds. One thing that was common even these days is that Lydia went from house to house to show off that she was married, which also people these days do, but usually by phone.
Another culture that I learned is that back then when they went to someon's house or another place, they would usually stay for weeks. These days, it's uncommon that you would stay at another person's house for even a few days. However, back then, visits would usually last from one to two months at the least, and a short visit would be about ten days. I wonder if over the years people have thought that time was too valuable to travel and leaisure for months, or if it was just a transportation change? These days people all have cars so they don't have to stay in one place for too long. However, staying at a person's house has positive sides because you get to discover new places, become more friendlier with people, and also have a long rest. So, why has visiting places changed from months to days? I wonder...

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Pride and Prejudice & Short Stories

This week I read some short stories for English class and also a part of Pride and Prejudice. I am on page 188 of Pride and Prejudice. It is taking me longer than I thought it would to finish this book. I think I should read more than two hours a week, if I can.

Anyways, in Pride and Prejudice, Elizabeth finally realized how blind and prejudice she was about Mr.Daryc and Mr.Wickham. The truth about Mr.Wickham is revealed to her, that he was actually an evil and greedy person but pretended to have such good manners. Mr.Darcy is actually a sincere man who, though sometimes regarded arrogant, has good intensions for everything he does. Elizabeth is ashamed of how she judged Mr.Darcy and changes her mind of him.

I think this is the theme of this book and what Jane Austen wants her readers to know; don't judge someone so quickly, but instead take time and know who they are before judging. This is an important lesson for anyone. I, too, sometimes judge others too quickly according to what I hear of them or even how they appear to be. This is something that I shouldn't do because I don't know that person well yet. He/she could actually be very nice and friendly, but, on the other hand, he/she could also be very wicked. We should always be careful in judging others, or not even judge at all. The Bible says "do not judge, or you too shall be judged." Therefore, we should not judge but accept everyone as they are, just as Jesus accepted and still accepts each and every one of us.

And I actually like the movie better because it is SO much easier to understand. The story line is actually pretty much the same, but the movie uses easier words. I think I am understanding the book only because I've watched the movie before.